7 Foods That Will Help You Improve Your Concentration

Having a good concentration allows us to put aside the secondary to prioritize what is important. In this way we can enhance all personal resources to be more successful, productive and of course, happy.

It is something that appears simple, but in reality it requires very complex processes that are difficult to control. Stress, a poor diet and that anxiety that we accumulate over time cause the brain to gradually lose its agility, and that innate ability to solve problems quickly.

Food plays a very important role in stress control and concentration. For example, sugar or saturated fats, although always palatable, offer us a very limited energy load.

Within a few hours that peak of energy and attention wanes, and with it, the ability to concentrate. Take good note of these 7 foods that will be of great use to you on a daily basis.

1. Oats

We need the body to start the day with food that “wakes us up”, that gives us energy and vitality.

Oatmeal is one of the best foods to fulfill this function. It contains a quantity of quality carbohydrates and, in addition, a dose of fiber that will improve the health of the intestinal microbiota. This is indicated by a study published in  The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .

In addition, it is an ideal food for the brain because it helps us to enhance those neurotransmitters that improve mood and concentration.

2. Dark chocolate

Chocolate in portions is bad for dyspepsia

Perhaps it is coincidence, but a study by Franz Messerli for the New England Journal of Medicine found that the countries that have won the most Nobel prizes are also those that consume the most chocolate.

The flavonoids in chocolate promote neuronal connection and prevent brain aging.

A study published in Frontier in Nutrition found evidence that flavonoids in dark chocolate benefit brain function. In addition, one of its keys is the fact proven in several studies that it improves blood circulation, oxygenating the brain and offering antioxidants.

Dark chocolate can help stimulate brain activity in the short term, and it also benefits the maintenance of long-term brain activity.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries contain a high amount of phenols, such as gallic acid, a natural neuroprotectant well suited to protect the brain from degeneration, the effects of neurotoxicity and oxidative stress.

The antioxidant content of these fruits contributes to regulate neurodegenerative processes, delaying aging. This is indicated by a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition .

4. Beets

Sliced ​​fresh beets to eat.

Beets have an intense, refreshing flavor and they always go great with any dish and in any salad.

  • If you get used to consuming them between three and four times a week, your brain will thank you.
  • Beets contain nitrates, compounds that help us dilate blood vessels to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

In this way, we naturally improve concentration.

5. Bananas help improve concentration

Bananas offer us vitamin B6, a perfect nutrient to improve cognitive function. If they suit you, if the body digests and tolerates them, it would be very appropriate for you to consume them daily.

A single banana offers a good amount of  tryptophan and tyrosine,  amino acids that help produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

6. The eggs

You can consume eggs regularly but with balance: cholesterol levels will not rise, but, thanks to its yolk, we will enhance concentration.

Eggs are very rich in DHA, a type of omega 3 fatty acid with a very favorable effect on memory and mood. They also contain choline, a compound that helps keep brain cell membranes in good condition.

7. White tea to improve your concentration

Did you know that white tea is a natural antidepressant? It is a very positive mood regulator with no side effects. It is also one of the richest drinks in antioxidants, much more than green tea.

On the other hand, white tea contains  L-theanine , an amino acid with psychoactive properties that improve concentration. In addition, you will achieve this without ever raising your blood pressure (it contains hardly any caffeine) as you could, for example, coffee or other tea.

Go ahead and consume it daily, it is a little more expensive than green tea, but its benefits are worth it.

Include these 7 foods to improve concentration

Start today to improve your cognitive abilities and your concentration by eating a little better. If you include these foods regularly in the diet you will see how cognitive function is enhanced. Anyway remember to include them within the framework of a varied and balanced diet.

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