6 Medicinal Plants That Fight The Symptoms Of Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a condition whose cause can be viral or due to the consumption of some bad food. However, it is important to take the right remedies to treat your symptoms and avoid dehydration or other health problems.

In this article we detail which are the most effective medicinal plants to combat gastroenteritis. In this way we can alleviate your most frequent symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdominal area or loss of appetite. 

Medicinal plants for gastroenteritis

Here we propose 6 very effective medicinal plants to alleviate the symptoms of gastroenteritis and accelerate the recovery from this condition. In this way, we will notice a great improvement without the need to resort to stronger medications.

These medicinal plants can be consumed in infusions, juices, oils, etc. We can take one or the other according to their properties, or combine some of them in infusions to enhance their healing virtues.

1. Ginger

Ginger is one of the best remedies we can take when we suffer from gastroenteritis. This root has the virtue of fighting the nausea and vomiting so frequent in this condition, as well as being a powerful antibacterial and antiviral.

  • We recommend preparing a ginger decoction, which can be fresh or dry, and taking it in small sips.
  • If our body still does not accept any drink, we can suck on a piece of fresh ginger or smell a little of its essential oil.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon to fight gastroenteritis

This exotic spice has so many medicinal properties that we should always use it in our recipes, both sweet and savory. We can also take it in infusions and shakes. However, we must ensure that it is the Ceylon variety, which is the one that stands out for its therapeutic virtues.

  • Cinnamon raises the defenses and has anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal properties. To treat mild gastroenteritis we can take it as an infusion, sweetened with honey, by tablespoons or small sips.
  • Another alternative is to prepare a pot in which we will mix this spice with honey, in equal parts. We will only have to take a teaspoon every hour until we recover from gastroenteritis.

3. Anise

This delicious and aromatic seed is not only a great digestive remedy. In case of suffering from gastroenteritis, anise helps us control nausea and vomiting. In addition, once we have overcome this symptom, this medicinal plant reduces inflammation, relieves acidity and stabilizes the stomach.

  • Anise has a very pleasant taste, especially when we suffer from vomiting or other digestive disorders. We can take it as an infusion or its essential oil.
  • If we opt for oil, we can dilute a drop in a tablespoon of honey and take it 3 times throughout the day. However, we must ensure that it is a pure essential oil and suitable for consumption.

    4. Turmeric

    Turmeric soup for gastroenteritis

    Turmeric is the queen of spices thanks to its antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties, among others. In addition, it also facilitates liver function and improves digestion.

    Taking turmeric during gastroenteritis will provide us with great relief, thanks to its ability to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and soothe any possible pain. In addition, its antibacterial power will strengthen our defenses to fight pathogenic germs.

    • We can take turmeric in infusion, combined with other medicinal plants.
    • We can also add it to soups and stews. A soup with garlic, onion, turmeric and other vegetables will be an excellent healing remedy.

    5. Chamomile

    Chamomile is a mild but effective medicinal plant, with results similar to those of anise. This remedy reduces inflammation and fights bacteria, so it is a good solution to treat gastroenteritis.

    • A very interesting combination is the infusion of chamomile with anise, especially when we suffer from nausea and vomiting. We can take it in small sips until we fully recover.

    6. Mint

    Peppermint is a medicinal plant with antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. Thanks to these two virtues we can provide great relief for most symptoms of gastroenteritis, such as intestinal cramps, nausea, bloating or digestive discomfort.

    • Mint, with its delicious and refreshing taste, is a pleasant remedy during this condition. Therefore, we can take it as an infusion.
    • Another alternative would be to prepare a homemade juice of apple, ginger and fresh mint.

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