6 Drops A Day Of This Powerful Oil Eliminate Fat From The Abdomen

Abdominal fat is one of the most common health and aesthetic problems, especially in women. With this cinnamon-based oil you can gradually eliminate that excess fat that is so annoying.

Losing weight is not an easy task and requires constant efforts, especially when you want to burn the fat that accumulates in the abdomen. Luckily, today there are many ways to eliminate it without resorting to extreme measures such as liposuction.

One of the alternatives to lose weight naturally is the use of a powerful homemade cinnamon-based oil. Are you interested in knowing it?

Cinnamon-based oil to flatten the abdomen

For many years this oil has been used as an alternative treatment to cure and prevent different diseases.

It was originally created for medicinal purposes, but later it was discovered that it also worked to burn fat, especially abdominal fat.

Burn calories

As its use became popular in many parts of the world, it was possible to discover the reason for its effectiveness. The chemicals it contains are perfect for losing weight and eliminating toxins, according to this study by Saveetha University (India).

If you want to know more about cinnamon read: Cinnamon according to the FEN

On the other hand, cinnamon-based oil also helps to strengthen the brain and memory (according to this study carried out by the Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University of Turkey, in addition to strengthening the immune system (as suggested by this study carried out by the University of Vienna) and regulate blood sugar levels.

For all this and for its ease of preparation, it is worth considering it as a good support for diets and routines in order to eliminate abdominal fat.

How to prepare this fat burning oil?

Cinnamon is a very versatile spice that is easily mixed to enhance its effects and prepare excellent remedies.

Oil-fat burning

Being such an inexpensive ingredient, there will be no excuses for using it frequently.


  • 1 cup of olive oil.
  • 6 cinnamon sticks.
  • 1 glass jar with lid.


  • Step 1. Fill a small glass jar with the cinnamon sticks.
  • Step 2. Pour the olive oil over them, making sure they are well submerged.
  • Step 3. Place the jar in a warm place in your home, leave it there for 3 weeks, and stir it often.
  • Step 4. When the recommended time has passed, proceed to strain the extract, using gauze or similar material, and store it in a cool and dry place.

    How to use

    To take advantage of its benefits, you only have to take two drops of cinnamon-based oil with each main meal; this will be enough to stimulate weight loss.

    It is very important to keep in mind that its consumption should not be exceeded as it could be harmful. Before you start consuming it, it is very important that you read the following section on contraindications.

    Contraindications of cinnamon oil

    Although this remedy has many qualities for health and weight loss, some side effects that could occur in some cases should not be ignored.


    • People who suffer from colitis / gastritis should moderate their consumption, since cinnamon can be very irritating.
    • In cases of intestinal ulcers, its consumption should be avoided since it can cause greater irritation in the stomach and intestine. This is confirmed by this research carried out by the MS Ramaiah Medical College (India).
    • Women who are pregnant or planning to be pregnant should also abstain from its consumption, as it has emmenagogue effects. This means that blood flow in the uterus area is stimulated, which can be harmful.
    • People with heart disease should take this remedy under medical supervision and in minimal amounts, as cinnamon has a mild effect that increases the heart rate.
    • Prolonged and excessive use of cinnamon, even its oil, could be very harmful. The level of toxicity of its compounds can cause vomiting and kidney irritation.

    In summary: this simple cinnamon-based oil can greatly benefit your abdomen, facilitating the loss of fat in the area.

    However, it is important that you know the damages that it can cause in certain health conditions, so it is always advisable to visit the doctor.

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