6 Advantages Of Being A Mother At 35

Being a mother at 35 is not easy. Over time, society has built stigmas around late mothers, such as “having less energy”, being “grandmothers” or “tired moms.” Even a few years ago it was considered risky to be a mother after 30.

The reason was due to negative associations between age and the child’s health at birth. However, nowadays the same thing is no longer thought. Therefore, today we want to tell you some of the main advantages of being a mother at 35 years old. Do you want to know them?

Being a mother at 35: a growing trend

Late-life motherhood is a demographic phenomenon that is increasing in industrialized countries. This trend responds to factors such as the increase in the effectiveness of contraception, gender equity and the increase in the education of women.

Being a mother at 35 is related to financial aspects. For example, greater inclusion in the labor market for women or economic uncertainty, among other reasons.

According to the numbers published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) for the year 2016, motherhood in Spain was delayed a little more than the previous year and reached the age of 32.5 years on average to conceive a child.

What does recent research say?

Some studies have defined that the safest age to have children is still from 20 to 35 years old.

However, in 2017, the International Journal of Epidemiology published the results of an investigation carried out in women over 35 years of age and their children.

The results were surprising. It was found that  children whose mothers were aged between 35 and 39 reached major scores on tests of verbal cognitive ability. In fact, they scored better than the children of younger mothers.

Mother of more than 35 years and her son of 8 laughing on the bed with outstretched arms

But … Why were the results different in previous decades? The differences depended on some factors, such as:

  • The children tested were the last children. This condition meant that the little ones received less attention and care.
  • Economic condition. Families with more children tended to have less income and opportunities. For this reason, they did not have access to good food and health services. As a result, deficiencies negatively affected their development.

Therefore, if you are approaching 35 and you are contemplating the idea of ​​being a mother, we recommend that you read the following reasons so that you have more confidence and information so that you can make a good decision.

What are the advantages of being a mother at 35?

1. Face motherhood with greater maturity

This point is not to say that younger mothers cannot play their role wisely. However, at 35 years of age, a woman is much more aware of the risks of pregnancy. Try to take much more care of yourself and, above all, contemplate and plan the possible changes in your life.

In addition, you probably have more experience, a set of learning, experience and culture, which you can transmit to a greater extent to your child.

2. Have greater economic stability

Generally, at the age of 35, there is greater academic and professional support, which generates a consolidated economy. As a result, parents can give their children more time and attention.

Woman in the office with her little daughter

3. Have more experience

When it comes to motherhood, experience is never enough. Qualities such as understanding, empathy, patience, among others, allow us to face the challenges of motherhood in a positive way.

In addition, the journey that has been traveled throughout life having experiences of different kinds helps to be a good example for children.

4. Have more emotional stability

Over the years you have a better knowledge of yourself, a task that is difficult during the prime of youth. You learn to make decisions, accept mistakes, be resilient, and develop more stable relationships.

These bases enrich education and the relationship with children. In fact, they provide them with greater emotional stability. Such an environment will provide a healthier, safer psychological environment and a good example for children.

35 year old woman hugging her baby

5. Increase life expectancy

Research has found that women who give birth after age 33 are twice as likely to live longer than those who had their last child at age 29. That is, there will be a greater possibility of enjoying the children, even if the popular voice says otherwise.

6. Lead a healthier lifestyle

People over the age of 30 are likely to better understand their body’s needs. In other words, they are safer to pay attention to their health. This includes healthy eating and exercise habits.

You won’t need to change your habits too much as soon as you decide to have a baby, since you already have a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

35 year old woman with her baby exercising

Why be a mother at 35?

In short, the quality of life of the mother and the number of children she has directly influences the development of the children.

How about? Definitely, being a mother at 35 has many advantages. However, it should not be forgotten that pregnancy at a late age also carries risks. For this reason, we suggest you discuss this issue with a specialist so that you can get personalized information.

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