5 Ways To Hydrate Your Skin

Just as it is important to pay attention to internal hydration, it is important to take into account our skin type when choosing a cream

Today we are going to discover some ways to hydrate your skin, focusing on facial skin, a delicate and continuously exposed area that needs special care.

The most important thing to hydrate your skin properly is to be consistent with the formulas that you will discover below. If you are not constant, it is most likely that you cannot benefit from all that this care can bring you.

Ways to hydrate your skin

Next we are going to discover some easy and simple ways to hydrate our skin. You probably know some of them. However, it never hurts to remember it.

1. Drink the water your body asks for

Woman drinking water

They always warn us about how important it is to drink between one and 2 liters of water a day. However, the amount that is right for you will depend on your lifestyle.

  • If you exercise a lot, drinking two liters of water a day is likely to be too little.
  • For example, a person who works in a gym usually consumes between 3 and 4 liters of water daily.

Always having a glass of water nearby will help you remember to drink water, as sometimes you can forget it. In the event that it is difficult for you to drink water, there are other alternatives. For example herbal teas, lemon water, flavored water, etc.

When you start drinking the water you really need, you will find that your skin is more hydrated, more luminous and looks better. It is worth the effort!

2. Use an appropriate cream

To properly hydrate your skin it is very important that you know what type of skin you have. You may have dry, combination, normal or atopic skin, for example.

Many times we believe that we have skin of a certain type and we use inappropriate creams. This can cause creaming to be a nuisance and, therefore, we are not constant. The most relevant thing is that the cream will not work as it should.

If you do not know and are not able to identify by yourself the type of skin you have, in an aesthetic center or going to a skin specialist they will be able to tell you safely.

3. Use sunscreen

Face sunscreen

It is also important that we choose a sunscreen suitable for our skin and, above all, suitable for the face.   Sunscreen should always be used, after the usual cream, regardless of the season in which we are.

Sometimes, many creams claim to have a protection factor, however this does not exceed 30 SPF. Ideally, the face should be protected with a protection factor of 50 SPF.

In summer, yes or yes, even if we are taking a walk, we should carry protection factor with us. Heat makes our skin perspire and lose hydration.

4. Attention to how to remove make-up

There are many products to remove make-up from the face that are aggressive with our skin. Also, we should never use alcohol to remove makeup.

Ideally, use an oil or a mild cream for our face that removes makeup easily. This we would always have to do.

Sleeping with makeup is not a good idea. In the long term, it not only dehydrates our skin, but also causes a series of other consequences.

5. Use moisturizing masks


The last of the tips to hydrate your skin is to pamper it at least every 15 days by giving it a mask treatment. We can buy it or make it at home.

The masks, the more natural they are, the better. Of course, we must take into account the type of skin we have.

For example, if we have a delicate and very dry skin to use, a clay mask can do us more harm than good.

Consistency when it comes to hydrating your skin

Many times due to lack of time and desire we make many mistakes. For example, we don’t remove make-up every day, we don’t drink the right amount of water, we don’t use cream every day, much less sunscreen.

This reduces hydration to our skin. Something that is not perceived when our skin is young, but that is noticed as the years go by.

Therefore, it is very important to start as soon as possible to know how to hydrate our skin properly and carry it out constantly.

Are you constant in the application of your creams? Is hydrating your skin an effort? Are you already doing it the right way?

Remember that facial skin is very delicate and is always exposed. Taking care of it properly will keep it healthy without blemishes and without premature wrinkles.

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