5 Tips To Clean Your Skin Correctly

Cleaning the skin goes beyond removing residues with soap and water. Although many overlook it, it is important to exfoliate, tone and apply other basic care. Take aim! 

To clean your skin properly it is not necessary to buy the most expensive products on the market. Although we cannot deny that they are usually quite useful, there are other basic cares that we can implement without excuses.

The skin accumulates a series of residues that we cannot always notice with the naked eye. Sweat, exposure to polluted environments, dust and many other factors are causing a series of problems that are reflected in the appearance of imperfections.

Fortunately, there are quite affordable methods that help us clean it without having to go to a spa or beauty center. In this opportunity, we want to share 5 recommendations for you to apply from the hour in your routine. 

Why is it important to clean the skin?

Beyond aesthetics, cleaning your skin properly is key to promoting well-being. Although it is not always noticeable, residues accumulate on its surface that can cause alterations. In fact, the accumulation of oil and dirt affects problems such as acne.

On the other hand, these residues create an environment conducive to the proliferation of bacteria, which can lead to infections of greater care. Do you want more reasons to cleanse your skin every day? In addition to the above, other benefits of skin cleansing are:

  • Prevention of premature signs of aging.
  • Decrease in excess fat production.
  • Elimination of dead cells and impurities.
  • Tissue regeneration and greater oxygenation.
  • Greater hydration and freshness.
  • Smoother and youthful appearance.

Tips to clean your skin properly

It is very important to keep in mind that to clean your skin properly you do not need conventional soaps or specific products. Although these alternatives are distributed as an effective option to remove waste and impurities, they are not always entirely good.

Many even have chemical components that alter the skin’s pH and eliminate natural oils that keep tissues elastic and hydrated. Therefore, when it comes to cleaning, simply apply basic care, preferably using products of natural origin.

1. Use a neutral soap

Woman cleaning her face: cleanse your skin properly

For many years, some research has been documented showing that the use of conventional soaps can affect the health of the skin. Due to its components, they can destroy the skin’s pH, eliminating natural oils and healthy bacteria.

To solve this, it is best to opt for the use of neutral soaps, if possible, based on natural ingredients. Its formulas are much gentler than scented soaps and, in addition, they respect the slightly acidic pH of the skin. Don’t forget to rinse them with cold water.

2. Apply an exfoliating product

The application of scrubs has gained a lot of importance in recent years. In fact, for many women they have become essential in their beauty routines. For what reason? They are the best complement to clean the skin properly, leaving it free of impurities.

Thanks to its ingredients with a granulated texture, they help to remove those residues that do not come out in the usual washing with soap. In addition, they have an astringent effect that minimizes the excessive accumulation of sebum. Therefore, they are perfect to combat acne problems and blackheads.

Don’t have a commercial scrub on hand? So make one with natural ingredients. You simply have to combine a granulated ingredient like coarse sugar or coffee, with a moisturizer like coconut oil or honey. After obtaining a thick paste, apply it with gentle circular movements, leaving it to act for 3 or 5 minutes.

3. Use oil-based cleaners

Woman cleaning her eyelashes with oils

Oil-based cleansers offer some benefits when it comes to cleansing the skin. Due to their composition, they trap dirt and detach dead cells that remain trapped on the surface. In addition, they do not alter the skin’s natural oil barrier and neither does its pH.

In fact, commercial makeup removers usually have some oils in their composition, as they are suitable for removing cosmetic particles that remain attached to areas such as the eyes, cheekbones and eyelashes. What are the best natural oils?

If you prefer to use the oils in natural preparations to cleanse the skin, opt for olive, sweet almond or coconut oil. You may also like grapeseed, avocado, or argan oil. 

4. Use micellar water to clean your skin properly

Micellar water is a product designed for all skin types. In recent years it has gained a lot of popularity, since it has molecules that attract dirt and oil residues from the face, transporting them through the water for their subsequent elimination from the skin.

The most interesting thing is that it can be an alternative to conventional tonics. Its regular use helps to seal the pores, complements the cleansing and tones the tissues. Can it dry out the skin? The answer is no. It is free of alcohol, parabens and other substances that can cause damage to the skin.

5. Make regular masks

Woman with mask and cucumber on her eyes

The application of masks is still valid as a good alternative to clean the skin properly. Whether commercial or of natural origin, its use facilitates the elimination of dirt and sebum particles that are retained in the pores. Best of all, they hydrate tissues and help correct blemishes.

In summary…

You can do a deep cleaning of the skin with basic products that you usually buy easily. The most important thing is to do it regularly, as this way we avoid accumulating sebum, makeup or dirt residues.

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