5 Tips For Men With A Big Penis

Men with large penises can take pride in winning the size bets with their friends. Or that, perhaps, their partners in bed show off to their friends what they have at home.

That is, they satisfy their ego with the idea that circulates in society that the most gifted are the best lovers. However, in practice, size takes another perspective and can even work against it.

Assuming they have no problem with erection, intercourse is more difficult. Also, some women are afraid of having sex with them because of the chances of getting injured. A few minutes of sensuality could turn into the opposite if certain precautions are not taken.

5 tips for men with a large penis

The idea that having a big penis makes you better in bed is a popular belief that has developed alongside the supposed “masculinity” that a man should appear to be. However, in reality this may differ from reality.

Here are 5 tips so that men with a large penis do not have problems when having sex. What is better? What postures to avoid? Take note!

1. Dedication in foreplay

Men with large penises should emphasize arousal through foreplay. Stimulating the vagina and the rest of the erogenous zones with caresses, toys and kisses so that the woman can relax to the maximum is a key factor. Oral sex, even, is usually necessary to promote the intercourse that follows.

Attempting to do so quickly may cause internal injury to the partner. Or they produce pain that does not allow them to enjoy the relationship. In fact, it can even lead to rejection in the attempt of penetration, and not due to lack of desire or love.

2. Use lubricants

In addition to helping women to lubricate naturally, other water-based lubricants should be available. The advice is to use them more than women in normal situations. In this way, the dilation and friction during penetration are smoother due to the stimulation.

sexual lubricant

In some cases, it may even be necessary to insert the same several times during intercourse. They may see it as something tedious, but they are the consequences of having a larger than normal male member.

3. Control the force

Knowing how gifted they are, it is imperative to master the intensity of penetration. Pretending for more violent or rough sex is too dangerous for the girl. Perhaps in the climax they feel the impulse to hit it with their maximum strength, but the truth is that it is not allowed to lose consciousness due to the risks it brings.

control force sex

As detailed in an investigation presented at the II International Congress on Communication and Gender, in fiction they usually appear as the most passionate lovers; but, in reality, women do not tolerate certain excesses.

Men with large penises are forced to give up certain pleasures or certain sexual positions. So to enjoy slow and quiet sex.

4. She chooses when and how

Men with big penis often become, without planning it, the most gentlemen in bed. Why? Because they are in charge of deciding when is the time to start penetration.

They know their body and with several encounters they already know how to identify when they are physically ready. Likewise, the position also depends on most of the sexual acts of women, at least in the beginning.

5. Choose the ideal postures for men with large penises

The goal of any intimate encounter is for both of you to feel satisfied. So knowing how to choose the most relevant sexual positions for your condition is essential.

As we have already mentioned, it is recommended that the girls be the ones who manage the depth and the rhythm to set the limits. They are the ones who feel how far they tolerate and enjoy, as well as when it begins to become dangerous or unsustainable.

Positions not recommended for men with a large penis

With anal sex you have to be especially careful and, in fact, it is not very advisable. The anus does not have the same elasticity as the vagina; so penetration is more difficult. What’s more, the chances of the partner getting hurt are higher, especially if he stops in time.


The puppy is a sexual position famous for being present in general fantasies. However, the angle it provides allows for deeper penetrations. And if seeing the size of the penis is exciting, feeling it inside is not so exciting.

Let yourself be carried away by passion and learn to enjoy

As you have seen, men with large penises  can also feel satisfied with sex. It’s just about taking certain precautions so that both of you experience pleasure and enjoy making love.

And you? Have you had any experiences mentioned in this space? If so, do not hesitate to leave a comment about the tips you use to enjoy together.

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