5 Kiwi Smoothies You Must Try

Kiwi smoothies are healthy drinks that can be added to almost any meal plan. In addition to incorporating this nutritious fruit, they also contain other healthy ingredients that contribute to proper nutrition.

On the other hand, they are low in calories and can be prepared both at breakfast, as a snack or when doing physical activity. How to prepare them? In this space we share 5 delicious recipes.

Kiwi smoothies you must try

Although you can incorporate kiwi on its own into your regular diet, it is also possible to combine it with other ingredients in delicious smoothies. It should be remembered that, in addition to being a versatile and delicious fruit, kiwi contains important nutrients for health.

According to information in the European Journal of Nutrition , it provides the following:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamins of the B complex.
  • Potassium.
  • Dietary fiber.
  • Antioxidants, which include the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and β-carotene, chlorophylls, among others.

    1. Kiwi with banana and apple

    Research published in Nutrition Hospital , notes that the kiwi, in the context of a balanced diet, has been shown to have beneficial effects on immune function and antioxidant defense.

    In addition, it benefits gastrointestinal health and improves mood. How about combining it with ripe banana and apple? These fruits, apart from improving their nutritional qualities, will give a very special flavor.


    • 1 ripe banana.
    • 3 kiwis.
    • 3 apples , preferably red.
    • 1/2 glass of cold milk (100 ml).
    • Honey, sweetener, or sugar to add sweetness (to taste).
    Kiwi Milkshake


    • To prepare this kiwi smoothie, you must peel the bananas, just like the kiwis, and cut and core the apples.
    • Once you have done this, you must place everything in the blender and mix it very well.
    • Serve cold and enjoy.

      2. Kiwi and spinach

      In this recipe the nutritional properties of kiwi are enhanced with the nutrients provided by spinach. As stated in a study published in Food & Function , spinach contains vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, and other bioactive compounds that promote health. In addition, it helps fight oxidative stress.


      • 2 medium kiwis.
      • 1 bunch of fresh spinach (15 g) 
      • 1 glass of l add soy cold (200 ml).
      • Honey or sweetener to add sweetness (25 g).
      • Chia seeds (10 g).


      • Peel the kiwis and wash the spinach well.
      • Place all the ingredients in a blender and process them very well until they get a homogeneous consistency.
      • If you think that the mixture has been somewhat thick, you just have to add, little by little, more soy milk, until you get the texture you want.
      • Serve in a glass and add a few chia seeds on top.

      3. Kiwi, pineapple, orange and coconut

      This shake stands out for its significant contribution of vitamin C. This nutrient, as detailed in a publication in the medical journal Advances in Nutrition , plays an important role in the functions of the immune system, the health of the skin and the prevention of chronic diseases .


      • 2 slices of pineapple natural or in syrup.
      • Medium kiwi.
      • 1 whole orange
      • 1 teaspoon of grated coconut (10 g).
      • 1/2 glass of juice pineapple (100 ml).
      • Water.
      • Ice cubes (optional).
      • Honey or sugar (optional).


      • Peel the orange and the kiwi.
      • Chop the pineapple slices, the kiwi pulp and the orange to make it much easier to process.
      • Add all the ingredients, except the coconut, in the blender glass and mix it, as you add water in small amounts until you achieve the consistency you want.
      • Strain the mixture that you have obtained and add a little sweetness with honey (or sugar, if you prefer).
      • Serve it in a glass with some ice cubes, add the tablespoon of grated coconut and enjoy.

      4. Kiwi and cucumber

      If you want a lower calorie option than above, then make this cucumber kiwi smoothie. Cucumber, as suggested by a publication in the journal Phytotherapy , contains water and is low in calories. In addition, it provides antioxidants and has antidiabetic and lipid-lowering potential. 

      Kiwi and cucumber smoothie


      • Medium cucumber (100 g) 
      • 1 apple.
      • 1 medium kiwi.
      • Fresh spinach (15 g)
      • The juice of 1/2 lemon.
      • Ginger slice.
      • Nuts or dried fruits of your choice (optional).


      • First, peel the kiwi and wash the spinach well.
      • Place all the ingredients, except the nuts, in the blender glass and mix well.
      • Once everything is well processed, serve it in a glass and add the nuts of your choice to give it a unique texture.

      5. Kiwi and papaya smoothie

      The last recipe that we propose is ideal to improve digestion. As we already mentioned, kiwi provides fiber and helps prevent constipation. But, in addition, in this case papaya provides an enzyme called papain, which can help relieve digestive symptoms such as constipation and bloating. 


      • Papaya ripe (100 g).
      • Medium kiwi.
      • 1 glass of water (200 ml) 
      • Ice (optional)


      • Peel the papaya, remove its seeds and cut it into small pieces.
      • Next, peel the kiwi and add both the papaya and the kiwi to the blender glass.
      • Mix everything well while adding the water little by little until you get a consistency that is to your liking.
      • If you wish, you can add the ice to the blender and drink this delicious smoothie as a slushie.

      Considerations when making kiwi smoothies

      As you can see, all these shakes make an interesting contribution of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will maintain your vitality and energy. On the other hand, If you want to make them healthier, you can substitute the refined sugar for a little honey, stevia or, better yet, not add any kind of added sweetener.

      Remember that these shakes are not a substitute for main meals and are not a treatment for disease. Simply, being healthy recipes, they can be included in the diet to obtain nutrients and contribute to health. Enjoy them!

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