5 Foods That Help To Take Care Of The Liver

Did you know that there are foods that help take care of the liver? This organ is fundamental in many metabolic processes; therefore, keeping it healthy is essential. Fortunately, through diet and good habits it is possible to contribute to your well-being.

And, although many ignore it, it is an organ that can deteriorate from chronic diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer. In fact, according to information from the American Cancer Society , the latter has a 5-year survival rate that ranges from 18% to 31%.

How to take care of the liver?

Diseases of this organ are largely preventable, as they are caused by factors related to diet and lifestyle. Specifically, excess body weight, especially when the accumulation of fat occurs in the abdominal area, is the reason that has the greatest influence on the appearance of the aforementioned conditions.

Therefore, adopting healthy habits that are based on food of nutritional quality, increasing daily physical activity and avoiding toxic products such as alcohol, cigarettes and drug abuse is the best way to take care of the liver.

How to take care of the liver?

Foods that help take care of the liver

The foods that help to take care of the liver are those that, inside, contain phytochemicals or phytonutrients, capable of protecting the integrity of the cells against reagents that can damage it.

In particular, they are usually ingredients of plant origin whose abundance of nutrients produces interesting benefits in the body. Do you dare to include them in your regular diet?

1. Broccoli

Broccoli contains multiple bioactive compounds, such as vitamin C and flavonoids. In an article published in The Journal of Nutrition, it was determined that the daily consumption of this food is capable of suppressing the activation of macrophages in the liver, which reduces possible damage or risk of tumors.

In this era, in which obesity is a problem, including it in the diet provides benefits to keep this organ healthy, especially in those who are overweight.

2. Green tea

In a study published in Clinical Nutrition in Medicine , it was observed that green tea, due to its abundant antioxidant content, is a drink with potential beneficial for people suffering from fatty liver. In fact, it is recommended for anyone who wants to take care of their health.

Foods that help take care of the liver

3. Olive oil

Several studies have suggested that adherence to a Mediterranean pattern produces an improvement in the lipid profile and prevents the deposition of liver fat. The effect has to do with the contribution of omega 9 monounsaturated fats, from extra virgin olive oil.

In addition to this, the benefits of this food on the liver are associated with its effect in reducing inflammatory processes and cell oxidation, which trigger chronic diseases.

4. Coffee

Components of coffee, such as cafestol and chlorogenic acid, decrease the activity of the “growth factor”. The latter is considered an important stimulator of liver inflammation and scarring. The protective effects of this product are independent of the caffeine it provides.

In a study published in 2016 it was shown that the regular consumption of this infusion, but without falling into excess, can significantly reduce healing in patients with fatty liver. Of course, it is important to consider that the benefits are not obtained if caffeine is consumed in isolation or from other sources.

5. Flax and chia seeds

Flax and chia seeds are foods known for their nutritional properties. In particular, they stand out for their contribution of omega 3 fatty acids and phytonutrients that help fight inflammation and oxidative stress.

Several studies have found that consuming omega 3s, in sufficient amounts, can improve liver health in adults and children with fatty liver.

Seeds are foods that help take care of the liver

Food helps to take care of the liver 

By themselves, these foods will not protect the liver against the diseases that can afflict it. However, included in the framework of a healthy and varied diet, they provide interesting benefits. In the same way, it is convenient to stay away from bad habits, such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

In addition, people who are overweight and obese should have an abdominal ultrasound to detect if there is an alteration in this gland. Early detection of any liver disease is key to its treatment.

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