5 Changes During Pregnancy That You Did Not Know

Do you know what the changes can be during pregnancy? When you are pregnant, a real stir occurs in your body, in your mind and in your life. The news of the arrival of a baby changes everything and gives a 180 degree turn to what you thought was a consolidated way of thinking and living.

You are going to experience numerous changes during pregnancy and you have to be aware of it. The hormones responsible for the changes that your body will experience to produce the baby will also disrupt your way of being and your perception of life.

If you thought you were extremely sensitive on the days you had your period or were ovulating, that is incomparable to the emotional overflow that results from pregnancy.

Prepare for changes during pregnancy

Weight gain, nausea and dizziness, hypersensitivity in taste and smell …  Hormones are responsible for regulating and ensuring that the pregnancy develops normally, that is, that the fertilized egg implants well, that the embryo is formed that he will become a fetus before he becomes our baby, etc.

At the same time, hormones affect your mood. The neurotransmitters of the brain are altered, since they do not receive the hormonal levels before the pregnancy. And so this information published in the journal Perinatology and Human Reproduction points out .

changes during pregnancy

That emotional ups and downs is part of preparing for motherhood. The pregnant woman’s body prepares the mind to accept that life has changed forever ; now you are a mother and the maternal role will become part of this new existence.

1. Mood swings

Indeed, the pregnant woman can go from joy to disconsolate crying in minutes. A daily argument with the couple can be the awakening of an unknown anger for both, even when the pregnancy is the product of the most genuine love agreement.

The idyllic image of absolute happiness throughout pregnancy is an advertising fiction. Many women doubt why they are not like this, as they feel a whirlwind of mixed emotions, as this article published in NCT points out .

And even more when the woman has decided to carry out an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy, the feelings are very changeable.

2. Space for reflection and redefinition

After a woman has developed a professional career and a lifestyle other than motherhood, receiving the news that she is pregnant imposes a necessary reflection and redefinition on her.

The transition to motherhood (and fatherhood) is a fundamental, evident and defining psychological change. The most superficial will be the search for options to reconcile work or social life with motherhood.

The big questions will revolve around what type of mother you want to be or how much of your own mother you want to take to raise your child, among others.

Pregnant woman

This reunion with herself, with the relationship with her as a future mother, puts women in great dilemmas, but, at the same time, in great opportunities to heal wounds, to forgive and forgive themselves.

3. Awakening of creativity

Even the most clumsy in creative terms will be stimulated by the arrival of the baby in their lives. When a woman is pregnant, she is encouraged to think about how to decorate the baby’s room, how to organize the baby shower  or how to prepare the family to receive the new member.

The expectant mother who has greater abilities will surely display her talents, but the one who feels less creative will be surprised by the new disposition to make creations for which she thought herself incapable.

The connection with the baby is a source of inspiration for drawing, painting or creating with the hands, from clothes for the baby to decorative elements for the room, or even cooking what feeds her and also feeds her child.

4. Fears and stress: changes during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant she will also have dark moments. The fear of a malformation, the question of whether she will be prepared to care for a newborn, or the fear that a situation will arise that puts her life or that of her child at risk, will haunt her head many times.

Even when the doctor does all the prenatal tests to ensure that the baby is in perfect condition, these doubts often haunt the pregnant mother. If a high-risk pregnancy occurs, worries will run high.

According to a study published in the Journal of Women’s Health in 2015, between 8 and 10% of pregnant women experience prenatal stress and anxiety.

Thus, fear triggers stress, which generates  cortisol and adrenaline, which generate nervousness and anxiety. These discomforts are common between changes during pregnancy but must be addressed in time, because they affect the normal development of the pregnancy and the baby.

5. Between tranquility and conflict

In that state of introspection that motherhood brings with it, the mother will continually fluctuate between tranquility and conflict.

Our grandmothers had it a little easier because they were raised to be wives, housewives, and mothers. But the modern woman, independent from the economic and labor point of view, finds that motherhood slows down her rhythm and productivity, and makes her reconnect with a woman who perhaps she considered alien to herself.

To get pregnant.

In addition, work environments are not always kind to fluctuations in the pregnant woman. The connection with one’s own culture, with family history or with previous pregnancies, if any, will provide the life lessons and experiences that one needs to overcome conflicts and pave the way to the tranquility necessary to have a pregnancy, a childbirth. and a happy baby.

Changes in pregnancy and motherhood

Remember that  the baby not only perceives light and sounds, but also perceives the emotions of his mother. If you are pregnant, surround yourself with positive thoughts, affirmations, and reflections about your motherhood.

  • Find out about the changes your body undergoes, so that you activate the connection with your pregnancy and your baby.
  • Listen to music and sing. Singing releases endorphins and activates the connection between the mouth, jaws and throat with the birth canal.
  • Activate your creativity. Paint mandalas; no great skills are required, just let your interior express itself through color.
  • Caress your belly and visualize your baby in your arms, healthy and happy.

If you feel that the emotional changes during pregnancy disturb you too much, talk to your doctor, he will surely indicate you a specialized therapy so that you fully enjoy the beginning of a conscious motherhood.

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