4 Ways To Lose Weight In The Morning

We all know what it takes to lose weight. Reducing a few kilos requires, above all, a change of habits with which, not only will we improve the figure line, but we will also gain in quality of life. So do you want to learn how to lose weight in the morning?

Today, in this article, we invite you to know four ways to lose weight in the morning in a very simple way. Getting them to become a habit will be worth it. Let’s discover them!

1. Get up an hour earlier

exercises to combat osteoporosis

Getting up an hour earlier than usual is a great effort, but it will be worth it. Let’s see some of the advantages that we can get by getting up a little earlier:

  • We can have breakfast without haste : this will allow us to chew our food well and fill ourselves up earlier.
  • We will have time to exercise : it is a good way to activate and fill ourselves with energy.

You can try this week to advance the alarm clock a quarter of an hour. For the next one, another quarter of an hour and so on until you manage to get up an hour earlier than usual. It is better to do this progressively.

2. Stay well hydrated

Another way to lose weight in the morning is to drink water as soon as we wake up. Since we have spent many hours without ingesting fluids, the body needs fluids to hydrate and begin to activate. Also keep in mind that drinking water has been shown to stimulate a feeling of fullness.

Some of the most recommended drinks to hydrate in the morning are:

  • Blue oolong tea.
  • Warm water with lemon.
  • Ginger infusion.
  • Pineapple juice with aloe vera.
  • Infusion of cayenne pepper, green tea and honey.

3. Exercise in the morning

Muscle stretching or strengthening?

As we’ve already mentioned, another great way to lose weight in the morning is to do some exercise. For this, we have several options:

  • Go for a run for 10 minutes : if you have the opportunity to go for a run, do not hesitate, do it. It is only 10 minutes in the morning that you can use as an excuse to go shopping for bread, to walk with your dog or meet a friend to do the same.
  • 20 minute walk : If you can’t run, it would be just as beneficial to walk for 20 minutes at a brisk pace. You will see how good you feel.
  • Exercises at home : one day you may want to go out for a walk, another day it will be good for you to go for a run … But it is also possible that it is more comfortable to do some exercise at home. If this is your case, spend 20 minutes doing push-ups and stretches to strengthen, for example, legs and buttocks. It’s just a matter of getting mental. If you get into the habit of doing it every day, little by little it will be easier for you. Don’t forget that exercise has proven to be an effective method of losing weight.

    4. Eat a proper breakfast

    A balanced, complete and varied breakfast is important. Keep in mind that people who skip breakfast what they get is to slow down the metabolism and this favors us to accumulate fat.

    We are already clear that having breakfast is very important in a diet where we want to lose weight. We have already had a cleansing drink and have done some exercise. So now it’s time to eat calmly. But what breakfast options do we have?

    • A bowl of oatmeal with a diced green apple and walnuts. A hard boiled egg in half with a few drops of olive oil.
    • A whole grain whole grain bread sandwich, with a little avocado and turkey breast. A natural orange juice.
    • A cup of coffee with oatmeal drink, an omelette with garlic and pear juice.
    • A Greek yogurt with walnuts and plum pieces. A whole wheat toast with olive oil and a garlic chopped on top. A coffee or a cranberry or pomegranate juice. Keep in mind that probiotics are capable of improving intestinal health, which has a favorable effect on the intestine. This is stated by a study published in Nutrients .
    • A cup of natural fruit: 8 grapes, 4 strawberries and 1 plum. A small whole grain sandwich with a chopped hard-boiled egg with two cherry tomatoes.
    Fiber breakfast cereals.

    Change your weight-loss habits in the morning

    We hope that all these tips will help you lose weight in the morning in a much easier way. Which has worked best for you? What advice has it cost you the most to incorporate into your routine?

    Keep in mind that it is important to combine all these tips with other healthy habits to achieve effective weight loss. It is necessary to do sports, get adequate rest and avoid the ingestion of industrial ultra-processed substances. It is also essential to restrict alcohol consumption. This toxic substance is capable of promoting the accumulation of fat. At the same time, it damages cardiovascular and liver health, generating problems in the medium and long term.

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