4 Steps To Burn The Extra Fat

The ketogenic diet has become popular as one of the most effective for healthy and fast weight loss. Is this true?

There are different ways to burn the extra fat or rather, to promote the burning of calories. One of them is the ketogenic diet, in which carbohydrates are stopped and, thus, forces the body into a metabolic process called ‘ketosis’.

During ketosis, the body is forced to burn fat in search of an energy source Either this is the one that is accumulated in the body or the one that is ingested.

When this happens, the liver begins to produce ketone bodies that will be responsible for supplying Energy to the heart and brain. Interesting, right? Keep reading to know more!

1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat

As a Harvard TH Chan article explains , the first step to burning the extra fat recommended by the ketogenic diet is to minimize your carbohydrate intake to induce ketosis. The general recommendation is not to exceed twenty grams a day.

You have to stop eating carbohydrates to burn extra fat.

Ketogenic diet specialist Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, PhD, believes the ideal ratio is four amounts of fat and protein to one amount of carbohydrates. In this way , the body cannot use glucose or sugar as a source of energy and looks for it in fatty acids and  accumulated fats.

Glycogen, which is the glucose stored in the liver and muscles, will no longer be a reserve to become the main source of energy to carry out daily activities.

As the body is accustomed to consuming carbohydrates, at first it is common to feel tired and bad mood as part of the adaptation to the low intake of them.

2. Include coconut oil in your diet 

The second recommendation to burn the extra fat with the help of ketosis is to include the coconut oil in the daily diet. This is because the oil contains fats called medium chain triglycerides that are absorbed quickly . Once in the liver, this converts them into ketones which are an excellent source of energy.

On the other hand, it should be noted that this oil has lauric acid. A clinical trial in 2008 has given this substance to children with epilepsy to put them into ketosis without the need to reduce their carbohydrate intake and has been successful.

3. Add healthy fats to your menu

Another step to burn the extra fat is to include healthy fats in your daily diet, such as olive oil, avocado, and coconut oil, among other options.

If you follow this advice, do it with moderation because eating excess fat would increase the calories consumed daily. What’s more, It is important that you opt for healthy fats and with the least amount of chemicals possible.

4. Increase the amount of protein in your diet

Increase protein intake

On the other hand, experts on this diet suggest that it is important to maintain a normal to high protein intake to burn off the extra fat. During the digestive process of proteins, the liver obtains the amino acids it needs to produce the glucose required to use ketones for energy fuel.

In addition, protein is vital for muscle replacement that occurs when losing weight . This is because in the process of burning the extra fat, too, you may lose some muscle mass .

Advantages of ketosis 

Kristen Mancinelli, MS, RD, author of Ketogenic Diet , highlights that rapid weight loss and decreased hunger are the most obvious benefits of this diet.

Below we will detail other benefits that have been indicated in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition :

  • You lose weight quickly. However, the difference is not very marked when compared to a low-carbohydrate diet, as can be seen in the results presented in the review article Ketogenic diets in the treatment of overweight and obesity .
  • It helps to better metabolize carbohydrates when they are included again and gradually in the diet .
  • With ketosis, the body uses fat more efficiently and this effect can be sustained over time.
  • The ketogenic diet has a satiating effect. The anxiety that causes us to overeat decreases, since more healthy fats are included daily.
  • A study published in the Latin American Archives of Nutrition indicates that the ketogenic diet promotes lowering of blood pressure, decreases insulin resistance and allows to eliminate fat. In this way, it can be considered favorable for cardiovascular health.

Side effects of burning the extra fat with this diet

Although burning the extra fat is one of your concerns, every diet always carries some risk. L A ketogenic diet, too, could cause side effects due to the dietary changes it entails.

Some entities such as, for example , the Canadian Family Physician have carried out research ones where an increase in mortality has been observed among those who followed the ketogenic diet. Yes However, the data are not conclusive.

Dizziness or motion sickness

Among the most common side effects we find:

  • Dizziness and headaches: this effect can occur after the third day and occurs because the brain needs glycogen to function. While ketone bodies will make it work, in the process of adaptation there may be dizziness when getting up or moving quickly.
  • Bad breath or metallic taste in the mouth: it is common due to the high presence of ketone bodies when trying to burn the extra fat.
  • Very strong-smelling urine : its cause is the release of ketones through it.
  • Excessive sweating: the body also eliminates ketone bodies through sweat.
  • waste of calcium: believed to exist a relationship between high protein intake and calcium loss through urine. This is due to the amount of acids necessary to digest proteins, since bone stability is sensitive to the acid-base balance of the body. To avoid the problem, your doctor may recommend including a calcium supplement.

Seek professional advice to burn the extra fat

The ketogenic diet has become famous as a fast weight loss option. However, like any dietary change, it can cause problems for some people.

In any case, as we always point out, it is important that you go to the doctor to discuss your desire to lose weight. Only the professional can guide you on the best way to achieve your goal in a healthy way and adapted to your needs and physical condition.

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