4 Simple Exercises That Your Heart Will Always Appreciate

Regular exercise is essential for good cardiovascular health. Now, do you know which exercises help the most to keep your heart healthy?

As you well know, the heart is the engine of the organism; it is capable of pumping an average of 500 liters of blood per hour. With this great activity, and since the entire body depends on this organ, it can be extremely beneficial to frequently perform some exercises that your heart will always appreciate.

The positive consequences that physical activity generates in the body, and especially in the cardiovascular system, have been proven by a large number of scientific studies. For example, the World Health Organization highlights physical inactivity as one of the main avoidable factors that lead to cardiovascular disease.

4 exercises that your heart will always appreciate

Here we propose some simple exercises with which you can reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and enhance the capacity of your heart. It is essential to become aware of bad habits and correct them. Learn to pump health!

1. Walk three times a week

No need to join a gym or buy expensive equipment. With some simple sneakers, you can already help your heart. How? Walking. Walking is an aerobic exercise that increases the pumping of blood in the heart and, therefore, the oxygen that reaches the organs.

Walking strengthens the heart fibers and reduces the risk of heart attack. A study published by The New England Journal of Medicine that analyzed the incidence of cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women confirms this benefit.

However, this improvement in heart health can also be extended to the rest of the population, since, for example, walking also helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. This is a major factor in heart attacks and strokes, according to a Mayo Clinic publication.

For this reason, the best help you can give your heart is to go for a 30-minute brisk walk, at least three times a week. For more motivation, you can go hiking and take advantage of the fresh air and nature.

Walking through natural environments could help you relax your mind and reduce stress, another risk factor for cardiovascular health, according to the Argentine Society of Cardiology. However, if you don’t have much time, you can even do a few sessions in your own home with a treadmill.


2. Swimming twice a week

Without a doubt, one of the quintessential exercises to improve heart health is swimming. According to a study published by Biomedical Engineering Online , this physical activity reduces blood pressure and prevents arterial stiffness in overweight people, who are especially prone to heart problems.

In this way, swimming improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of heart disease and increases the performance of the heart. In addition, this sport is very complete, since it demands the participation of the muscles of the whole body with a low impact on the joints and bones.

3. Bike once a week

Another good option that will help you reduce visits to the doctor is cycling. Whether on a stationary bike or going for walks pedaling at a good pace, cycling promotes cardiovascular health in a very enjoyable way, as confirmed by a study published by the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports .

However, a medical consultation is important to begin with, especially if you already suffer from some type of heart disease. In this way, the professional will be able to advise you on how to control efforts, times, recovery, and hydration and eating habits.

A good idea would be to start with gentle walks through natural spaces or cycle paths. Ultimately, your choice will depend on the type of cycling you prefer, the time and the type of bicycle you have.

4. Dancing, another of the exercises that your heart will appreciate

Approximately 50% of patients with heart disease leave sports activity after the first month. For this reason, they have begun to implement new methods and exercises that motivate and entertain the person, while helping the health of the heart.

Attending some dance classes or going out with friends or your partner to dance will make you lose some good calories while having a great time. In addition, you will maximize the performance of the heart by strengthening the muscles that compose it.

According to research conducted in Korea and published by the International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being , recreational activities such as dancing contribute greatly to the physical, mental and psychological well-being of more and more people. Therefore, dancing is one of the exercises that your heart will appreciate in the short, medium and long term.

Know the advantages of dancing

How to start exercising?

When starting out in any sporting discipline, the wisest thing to do is not to take gigantic jumps, but to advance progressively. You’re not going to help your heart by pretending to exercise vigorously overnight.

Health is a long-distance race, from day to day, of small achievements and struggles against laziness, shame and apathy. You must understand sport as a way of life, one more habit, such as eating or even breathing.

For this reason, we advise you to progress very gradually. Do not force or do high performance sports that can overload the resistance level of your body. 

Finally, the training must be carried out under the control of specialized monitors or under the guidelines of your cardiologist, if you suffer from heart disease. Try these simple exercises starting today that your heart will appreciate in the short and long term!

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