4 Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common causes of doctor visits. It is a condition that produces various discomforts and whose cause may vary, depending on the case. And although the main treatment to follow should be prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to complement it with some home remedies (if the professional authorizes it).

Anyone can develop a UTI at some point in their life, regardless of gender or age. However, according to statistics, the highest incidence is made up of women. This is due to a simple anatomical reason: the urethra of women is much shorter than that of men and, therefore, it is more prone to accumulate bacteria.

5 remedies against urinary tract infection

There are some home remedies that, according to popular beliefs, can help relieve discomfort in the event of a urinary tract infection. Although they are usually recommended, in most cases their effectiveness is not fully proven and the scientific evidence is limited ”.

Here are some of the best known and most popular:

1. Blueberries and blackberries

Blueberries for urinary infections.

It used to be believed that blueberries and blackberries were foods that  have properties that inhibit certain types of bacteria, that is, their action would be antibiotic. Therefore, it was recommended both to eat and drink the juice of these fruits to avoid and fight urinary infections. However, research on the matter claims that these claims are false, given the results.

Remember to drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. In the same way, and under sanitary supervision,  you can drink at least 2 to 4 glasses of cranberry juice a day. Check with your doctor first, don’t forget.

2. Pineapple

Recipes with pineapple.

According to this study carried out by the Indian University Sri Ramachandra, it has been found that this enzyme present in pineapple has properties that benefit the urinary tract of patients. From the success of this study, it is recommended within a balanced diet, eat a cup of pineapple daily to maintain a healthy urinary system. 

However, it is important to have the approval of the doctor first. Your pharmacological treatment could be interrupted by the intake of some foods, so it is advisable not to take anything without first having your supervision.


3. Vitamin C

In some cases, not only antibiotics are prescribed, but also vitamin C to help fight urinary tract infection, since it contains antioxidants that boost the immune system. It is advisable to increase the intake of fruits that contain a high amount of this vitamin during the treatment, to achieve a rapid improvement.

4. Water

Water bottle.

Of course, hydration is essential for good health. In the event that a person has a urinary tract infection, they should take even more care of their water intake, since by urinating they will be able to expel pathogens from their system.

It should be noted that  it is not necessary to go to extremes. Proper hydration does not imply having to drink three liters of water a day, but rather trying to drink at least 6 or 8 glasses. Some people increase their water intake by drinking teas and herbal teas. This is a good alternative if the water, by itself, does not seem very appetizing.

When should you go to the doctor?

If you think you have a urinary tract infection, see your doctor for a checkup. Once they tell you which is the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment for you, be sure to follow their instructions and avoid resorting to the use (or consumption) of home remedies, as they could be counterproductive.

Remember that, although it is true that –in some cases– remedies can be useful as a complement to a healthy lifestyle, they are not always a recommended option.

Urinary tract infections that are not treated in time can lead to major complications. For example, the infection can spread to the kidneys, and this can greatly affect the health of the patient. So, do not delay visiting your doctor if you notice several discomforts for more than 3 days in a row.

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