4 Home Garden Designs

Home gardens are a very good option when looking to eat better and adopt a healthier lifestyle. In fact, when it is harvested at home, there is a tendency to value the whole harvesting process and what it entails when it comes to putting food on the plates.

There are different ways to design home gardens. Before making a decision, you need to consider the climate, the amount of sunlight, and the type of soil. These factors could affect the growth of the vegetables and greens you grow. It will also determine which ones you can grow and which ones you can’t.

1. Home gardens in the garden?

It is common to find home gardens in the garden.

Home gardens can be installed in the garden, under a kitchen window or on the balcony, or in other interior spaces.

It should be noted that the location must be functional to be able to manipulate it easily. In addition, this adds a lot on an aesthetic level.

Setting aside a space in the garden to grow vegetables and greens is ideal, but not everyone has a garden at their disposal. However, all is not lost, there is always at least a small space within the home that can be used.

In the case of home gardens in the garden, the extension and depth of the garden soil will help the growth of the crop unlike other gardens with more limited space. It allows to grow aromatic herbs, vegetables and tubers.

To begin, you should choose a square or rectangular section of the garden in which you will install your garden. Make sure to clean the soil of grass roots and any other plants very well. Separate the planting space by rows.

In each row, grow a type of vegetable or vegetable leaving at least 15 centimeters of separation between each one. You should know what greens and vegetables you can include according to the climate, shadows and sunlight of your garden.

Remember that most vegetables and greens need sunlight most of the day to survive. Others, like spinach, lettuce, and parsley need less than 4 hours of sunlight a day.

2. Home gardens in pots

Lack of space is no excuse for not planting home gardens.

If you do not have space in your garden or you simply do not have a garden at home, you can make your garden with pots. The pots can be placed inside or outside your home.

If you do it indoors, make sure it is near a window where you have sunlight. Homemade potted gardens allow you to easily harvest your harvest. Therefore, it is said that they are a very versatile and comfortable option.

The size of the pots will depend on the plants you like to harvest and the space set aside for the garden. Smaller pots are great for herbs like basil, spearmint, parsley, and mint.

Medium pots are ideal for lettuce and cabbage. On the other hand, slightly larger pots are used to harvest peppers and tomatoes. One of the disadvantages of this type of garden is that you will not be able to grow tubers such as:

  • Leeks
  • Potatoes.
  • Onions.
  • Carrots
  • Beets

These vegetables need larger grounds to spread their roots and grow properly. A pot does not give them the space necessary to develop, so if they grow, they will be “miniature” in size.

3. Gardens with height

Potted plants hanging on the wall in home gardens.

Home gardens in aerial pots  are the solution when you have little space in your home.  These pots can be hung near a window, inside or outside the house. The important thing is that your crops get enough sunlight.

You can buy aerial pots in nurseries or build them yourself. For this you can take the regular pots and add a metal chain or rope.

They are not only very functional but also very original as decorative elements. For example, different vegetables and herbs can be placed on each of the strings of the pots to make it more luxurious and attractive.

You can also place the strings of pots at different heights to make your garden look varied and resourceful. You must take care of the irrigation of your planting. Watering with plenty of water will cause the pots to drain the excess underneath.

This surplus will fall on the next pot or on the ground. In addition to causing you a cleaning problem, your vegetables will wither from receiving more water than necessary. Using a sprinkler is the best option  for watering your plants.

4. Modular gardens

Modular home gardens are very practical.

Building a wooden shelf is another way to design your home garden, especially if you have little space at home.  This shelf can be located outside your house attached to a wall that receives sunlight. Build it in 3 or 4 levels according to your needs.

In each level you can place small pots with your crops. This design is ideal for harvesting aromatic and medicinal plants such as:

  • Parsley.
  • Mint.
  • Rosemary.
  • Thyme.
  • Basil.
  • Peppermint.

These plants generally need only 4 hours of direct sunlight a day to grow.  Considering that the shelves could provide some shade, these crops are perfectly suited to the design of a modular garden.

As you can see, the space in your home will not prevent you from having a healthy and fresh vegetable and vegetable harvest. There are many ways to design home gardens. You just need some creativity and ingenuity to get down to business.

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