4 Good Habits To Wake Up With More Energy

Many people do not get a good night’s rest because they have trouble falling asleep or because they wake up several times at different times, which has a negative impact on health and mood. If you think you need to wake up with more energy, it is important to review your habits regarding this routine.

In this article, we share some tips that can help you have more energy, in a healthy and natural way. Find out how to do it.

Sleep disorders

According to a study by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care , almost 1 in 5 people suffers from a sleep disorder. If the problem is temporary, such as a stressful situation, the body can recover relatively easily, changing some habits.

However, in some cases, these disorders are prolonged over time and are more difficult to cope with. Also, most people are reluctant to take sleeping pills. Instead, they do look for natural options, simple techniques and good habits that contribute to rest. Read on to find out how you can get a good night’s sleep and wake up with more energy every morning.

Good habits to wake up with more energy

While it is true that there are no magic formulas, there are several techniques that, included within a healthy lifestyle and a proper sleep ritual, can contribute to a good night’s rest.

1. Relaxation techniques before going to sleep

Relaxation exercises to wake up with more energy

Relaxation techniques are exercises that aim to reduce tension to provide both physical and mental calm. These simple methods can help you fall asleep and lengthen your hours of rest. 

These are some techniques proposed by the Sleep Foundation , which you can practice before going to bed and, thus, wake up with more energy:

  • Breathing exercises: The idea is to focus only on the breath and feel it enter and leave the body. It is also important to visualize the flow of air circulating throughout the body to achieve even greater concentration and clear the mind of any concerns.
  • Visualization of images : Through the imagination and the visualization of pleasant images a rapid relaxation can be provided to the body. The key is to let go of other thoughts.

2. Recognize the factors that prevent energy recovery

Have you heard of sleep hygiene? Having good nighttime habits and making a few lifestyle changes could be the key to waking up with more energy. For this, you can follow a series of practical tips, such as the following:

  • Avoid the consumption of stimulant substances such as coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco, from the afternoon hours.
  • Pay attention to diet to avoid heavy foods. If possible, having dinner at least 2 hours before bed may help you fall asleep faster.
  • Doing some physical activity, at least 3 times a week, is important to relax and get a better rest.
  • Make sure that the bedroom is a quiet space with a pleasant temperature, without lights or noise at night. In addition, it is important to ventilate this space during the day.

    3. Control sleep

    Woman in bed with insomnia from stress

    When a person suffers from sleep disturbances for long periods of time, it can create vicious cycles of anguish and frustration. At that level, it is almost impossible for bedtime to be a pleasant routine.

    The act of controlling sleep is a progressive process, as it requires having a fixed schedule to go to rest. In this sense, the bedroom will only be the resting place, so it is necessary to avoid other activities such as, for example, working or watching television.

    In addition, it is important to create the habit of going to bed when you are tired and getting up as soon as you feel that you cannot sleep anymore. In this way, the body will naturally get used to this routine and nervousness will decrease.

    4. Know how many hours you can sleep

    A good proposal to rest better, avoid anxiety during the night and wake up with more energy, is to go to bed only for the hours that you can sleep. That is, if you already know that you usually sleep 5 hours, it is best to go to bed at the time that this is true. This way, you won’t wear yourself out trying to fall asleep the rest of the time.

    For its part, the theme of naps is very particular to each person. Everyone knows if a short sleep after lunch can help you feel better and more energetic for the rest of the day, or if it will prevent a good night’s sleep.

    What else can you do to wake up with more energy?

    In addition to these tips, there are some practices that can help you increase energy in the morning, such as doing relaxation exercises as soon as you get up, allocate 5 minutes to stretch, drink water and avoid using your mobile.

    Do you dare to follow these habits to rest better and wake up with more energy? Incorporate them into your daily routine and you will see how your quality of life, your health and your mood improve. 

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