4 Dessert Recipes For Celiacs

The desserts for celiacs can be as tasty as any other if we pay attention to the recipe and the ingredients. And while it sounds romantic, all lovingly prepared food will taste good.

Fortunately, today there is a wide variety of very healthy and nutritious desserts for celiacs. We have a wide range of options, it’s just a matter of being a little creative and experimenting.

Sweets for everyone

Celiac disease is a disease that consists of having, to a greater or lesser extent, intolerance to gluten. For this reason, desserts for celiacs should not have any ingredients that contain gluten.

However, they don’t have to be bland and boring. Nor do they have to be rejected just because they are labeled “gluten-free.” On the contrary, many recipes are so tasty and good that, without a doubt, it is worth incorporating them more frequently into our diets.

4 dessert recipes for celiacs

1. Golden cookies

Maria cookies on a plate.

To begin with, these cookies have as their main characteristic their golden color. In addition, they are made with rice flour and clarified butter, so they are perfect for all occasions: snacks, picnics, breakfasts, desserts, etc.


To obtain about 20 to 30 units of cookies, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 1 egg
  • ½ teaspoon of salt (2 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (10 g)
  • 2 cups of rice flour (200 g)
  • ½ cup of clarified butter (100 g)


  • To start, integrate the butter with the flour (both at room temperature).
  • Then add the egg along with the cornstarch and salt. Slightly integrate the dough, it is not convenient to knead too much. Put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Then, stretch the dough very delicately to prevent it from breaking.
  • With the help of a pasta cutter, or by hand, make the cookies in the way that you like the most.
  • Next, put the cookies to bake on a tray with non-stick paper.
  • Bake time is 12 minutes at 180 degrees. Check them every so often to see how they acquire their golden hue.
  • Once ready, let them cool to room temperature.

2. Cream of condensed milk and almonds

butter and cream

This cream, like a custard, will delight even the most gourmet palates. This recipe makes 4 servings, or 3 hearty servings.


  • Berries
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 15 g of almonds
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Orange peel
  • 2 cups of almond milk (500 ml)
  • 2 cups of condensed milk (370 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of refined corn flour (30 g)


  • First, mix the condensed milk with the almond milk. Next, add the cinnamon stick and the orange peel, and heat until it boils.
  • Next, combine the cornmeal with the almond milk in a bowl. Then add the yolks and mix well.
  • Strain the hot milk.
  • Then, combine all the ingredients and cook until the mixture begins to thicken.
  • Subsequently, everything goes to a large glass source to make it cool and divide the result into 4 containers.
  • Finally, the filleted almonds are roasted (without using oil).  When they have cooled, place them on the cream and decorate with the red berries.

3. Yogurt pudding with raisins


Yogurt, cheese and a hint of cinnamon, along with raisins, give this pudding a very smooth texture. For this reason, this option is a wonderful example that desserts for celiacs are not boring, much less tasteless.


  • 2 eggs
  • 25 g raisins
  • 2 natural yogurts
  • 100 g cream cheese
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar (40 g)
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of cornmeal (30 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (4 g)
  • Butter and cornmeal (to prepare the mold)


  • First, put the eggs in the mixer. Next, add 4 tablespoons of sugar along with the yogurts, cream cheese, and cornmeal. Mix everything in the mixer and pour into a floured bowl.
  • Then add the raisins to the dough, add the cinnamon and mix everything.
  • Then take the mixture to the oven (180 degrees) for 30 minutes.
  • To finish, it can be served with fruit jam.

4. Vegetarian crêpes

crepes chard cheese

Another of the desserts for celiacs that has a lot of versatility, in addition to good flavor, are these vegetarian crêpes. In addition, they  are an excellent option for a mid-afternoon snack.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (15 ml)
  • ½ cup of rice flour (100 g)
  • 1 ½ glass of soy milk (150 ml)


  • First, in a bowl add the milk with the flour, the egg and the oil.
  • Then, beat all the ingredients until they are well mixed.
  • Then let the dough rest for about 1 hour.
  • Finally, heat the pan, add the oil and pour in a small amount of batter. When it starts to peel off you have to turn it over.

These dessert recipes for celiacs also work for other types of  special diets . Therefore, depending on the considerations to be taken, some ingredients will be changed.

In addition, the important thing is to know how to adapt to the particularities of each person, without neglecting the good taste. Go ahead and try the gluten-free dessert recipes and enrich your culinary experience!

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