30 Foods Rich In Iron To Avoid Fatigue And Headaches

If you have ever been diagnosed with anemia, you already know what symptoms an iron deficiency usually presents and how this deficiency is noticed on a day-to-day basis. Tiredness, weakness, headache, bad mood and hair loss. Iron is a mineral that allows the blood to transport oxygen to the organs so that they function properly. In this article we present you 30 foods rich in iron and we give you some key guidelines. Take note!.

Due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, the heart is forced to work faster, and this fatigue can be very pronounced. However, if we schedule regular medical tests and increase the consumption of foods rich in iron in our diet, we will surely avoid getting anemia.

The importance of knowing how to combine foods rich in iron

There are many foods rich in iron. However, we must know how to combine them to have a balanced and varied diet with which we can maintain the level of iron in our body. In the case of women, it is sometimes lost due to menstruation. Pregnancy is also usually a time where it occurs. According to this research shown by the experts of Medicine 21 , pregnant or lactating women need 2.5 times more iron than men.

Iron-containing foods.

What foods to avoid?

In a study carried out in 2005, it was suggested that through this study, the interest arose in making a review on the factors that influence the bioavailability of dietary iron, with a focus on people suffering from anemia. In the same study, it was suggested that non-heme iron is found mainly in foods of plant origin and its absorption is determined by multiple dietary factors that favor or impede its solubility. 

In the same vein, it is important to note that iron absorption is usually carried out in the small intestine, and it will always be done better on an empty stomach. Now, there are some foods that will prevent iron from being properly absorbed, hence we must take great care how we combine foods.

So, the foods that should try to avoid mixing with those that have iron in their composition are:

  • The tea.
  • The saved.
  • The oats.
  • Soy milk.
  • Whole milk

It is not at all about stopping consuming it but rather not combining them or spacing their consumption so that we have time to digest and assimilate the iron. That is, we can include a tea and a bowl of oatmeal in our breakfast, and then, in our midday meal, make ourselves some delicious spinach with walnuts and asparagus, for example.

Beware of calcium, polyphenol and phytic acid

Foods that prevent us from absorbing iron contain phytic acid, such as wheat flour. This prevents 75% of the assimilation of this important mineral. In turn, the polyphenol present in tea is also a powerful inhibitor for iron absorption. It should be noted that the action of calcium in our body is also very complex: it blocks its passage through the cells that cover the small intestine. 

This is shown by this study carried out by Oregon State University , and which indicates that the presence of calcium decreases the absorption of iron from both non-heme sources (that is, most supplements and food sources other than meat, poultry , and shellfish) as well as from heme sources.

So, you can prepare a breakfast rich in fiber and calcium in the morning, for later, at noon or at dinner, raise the level of iron combined in turn with vitamin C.  As you already know, fruits like lemon help us to that this mineral is assimilated more easily.

Let’s see now which are the foods richest in iron that you should include in your diet.

A varied menu

Surely the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about foods rich in iron are lentils. Although it is true that legumes in general are very suitable to combat anemia, to benefit us even more it would be interesting if we learned to prepare more varied dishes with which to further enhance their properties.


There are spices rich in iron, natural plants and also fruits that will help us raise the iron level even more and will provide us with vitamin C to assimilate this mineral in the small intestine. Thus, avoid that your meals are boring. Mix, for example, broccoli with prawns, or spinach with raisins, pine nuts and pineapple, or turkey breast with mustard … There are dozens of ideas to enjoy and that take care of our health.

Take note of some foods rich in iron:

  • Endive, arugula, broccoli, spinach, lentils, chickpeas, bell pepper.
  • Mustard, fried corn.
  • Cumin, dill, thyme, bay leaf and parsley, dried oregano, basil, rosemary, black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon and chilli powder, curry, paprika powder.
  • Red meat, roast skinless pigeon, blood sausage, pate.
  • Canned clams and sardines, scallops, prawns.
  • Chicken egg, dried yolk.
  • Figs, plums.
  • Dark chocolate.

As a last recommendation, it would be ideal that after your meals you prepare delicious desserts based on fruit salads. Thus, you will never lack the vitamin C present in oranges, kiwis, papayas or mangoes. You can also combine them with meals or prepare natural juices.

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