3 Ways To Enhance Your Hair Growth

Popular beliefs associate hair loss with male alopecia. However, it is a problem that affects both men and women. Its causes are very diverse: genetics, stress, seasonal changes … Thus, it is logical that you ask yourself what you should do so that your hair grows healthy and strong. Therefore, we have decided to give you some keys to achieve it.

Although whenever a problem is detected in this regard, a visit to the dermatologist is recommended, it is essential that you pay attention to your diet. Yes, it also plays a decisive role here. As we always say, the quality of our blood marks that of our health. Hair is also nourished by it, which means that you should eat the right foods to enhance your hair growth.

On the other hand, it is important to regulate your levels of anxiety or sadness. There are many people who somatize these emotional states in this area of ​​the body. If this is your case, follow us and you will discover the keys to control an issue that we tend to forget very often.

1. Feed yourself to enhance your hair growth

It is necessary to eat properly to enhance the growth of your hair.

Prepare complete dishes

What do we mean by “complete”? We mean that they include all the nutrients that our body needs to function with agility. This means that your recipes must include:

  • Proteins: meat, fish and eggs.
  • Carbohydrates: legumes, pasta and cereals (the latter whole grain or whole grain).
  • Fiber, glucose and acids: vegetables and fruits.
  • Healthy fats: nuts, raw olive oil, avocado, and low-fat dairy.

The essential thing here is that you watch the proportions. Proteins and vegetables will star in your main dishes, since this is where you will get the most vitamin load. For their part, carbohydrates and glucose will serve to provide you with the energy you need to metabolize easily.

Likewise, fats will strengthen our defenses and regenerate the cells necessary to enhance the growth of your hair.

Choose ingredients rich in iron and zinc

Lentils provide a significant amount of iron, good for the growth of your hair.

Iron is responsible for transporting oxygen through our body. The most effective alternatives are lean meats, lentils, soybeans and their derivatives, such as tofu.

On the other hand, zinc is essential to repair tissues. Thus, it ensures that the follicles are in top shape. To obtain it, we recommend dark chocolate, roasted wheat germ, zucchini and pumpkin.

2. Avoid hairdressing chemicals

We all love to take advantage of our visit to the hairdresser so that they make us a  different look . To achieve this, professionals make use of lacquers and other substances that, in the long term, damage the silkiness of your hair. There are home remedies to take care of your hair, without resorting to chemicals.

Similarly, we recommend that you learn how to wash your hair in the best way. We know that the temptation is very great, but avoid doing it daily and learn the most effective method. Also, to fully control this factor, avoid sleeping with wet hair, as it is fatal to the scalp.

3. Make time for yourself

As we said, anxiety weakens our hair. To counteract this, we need to incorporate into our daily routine at least an hour and a half dedicated to an activity that we are passionate about. It can be sports, reading, going out to dinner with friends, any hobby that helps you disconnect.

Always keep in mind that the goal is to enjoy. What does this mean? That the desirable thing is to get rid of the worries of the day to day. This is not the time for work, or for family problems. It is the opportunity for the center of your life to be yourself. So focus on savoring every moment.

With these 3 parameters you are in a position to enhance the growth of your hair in a healthy and safe way.

The measures offered have no side effects and are an advantage for the rest of the body. You will be applying total care of yourself.

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