3 Remedies With Flaxseed To Relieve Constipation

Do you suffer from constipation and don’t know what to do? Try these home remedies with flaxseed that will surely come in handy.

Constipation is a problem that many people suffer from. This prevents them from going to the bathroom frequently, causing them to feel heavy, have a lot of gas, and make passing stool sometimes painful. To combat all this, today we will discover 3 flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation.

It is important to note that it is not positive to use enemas or laxatives frequently. To combat constipation it is best to exercise and introduce more fruits and vegetables in the diet. With these two simple tips, we will go much more to the bathroom.

However, constipation, in the most severe cases, is not so easy to eliminate. Therefore, in special moments such as birthdays or Christmas dinners in which we eat copiously, the remedies with flaxseed to relieve constipation that we will see below will be our salvation.

Flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation

1. Flaxseed with water

Flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation

The first of the flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation is very simple. We just have to take a glass of water and add a tablespoon of flaxseeds. We can let this mixture rest for half an hour before taking it or do it immediately.

However, in colder times it may be better to make an infusion. For this, we have two options. We can make a basic infusion using flaxseed or another in which we will add ginger.

  • Basic flaxseed infusion : we take water and put it in a cup or a container to heat it like a normal infusion. We will add a tablespoon of flaxseeds to it. We will let it rest and, when it is warm, we can take this remedy for constipation.
  • Infusion of flaxseed with ginger : we will do all the previous steps, but we will add a tablespoon of ginger root. We let the mixture rest until it warms up and then we drink it.

2. With other foods

Some time ago it became quite fashionable to include seeds in common foods, for example, salads or yogurts. This may seem somewhat insubstantial, the truth is that for constipation it can be essential.

In addition to the water remedies mentioned, which can be taken twice a day, we can enhance the effects of flaxseed if we include it in our meals.

  • Breakfast : we can have a yogurt and add some flaxseeds. It is much better that we add them to the yogurt indicating that it already brings those seeds and others that we do not know.
  • Lunch or dinner : adding flaxseeds to a salad or even an omelette can make a difference. We can even include them in a sandwich.

Eating flaxseeds will not cause us any negative effects, quite the opposite. The fact that they are present in our daily diet will help us go to the bathroom much more and relieve our constipation. Of course, let’s not forget about exercise and running away from pastries.

Lianza seeds.

3. Natural juices and smoothies

The last of the flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation are juices and smoothies. But beware! We are talking about those that are natural, that is, those that we will make in our house. This option is much better than buying a smoothie or juice and adding flaxseeds to it.
The best foods to make these juices or smoothies are the following: orange, pear, plums, carrots, spinach, celery, kiwi … We can make many combinations and, in the case of smoothies, play with the textures (thicker or more liquid ).

Being natural and providing us with fruits and vegetables, we can take up to 3 a day if we wish. What we recommend is that, at least, we have a smoothie or a juice of these in the morning, at breakfast, and another at snack.

If you suffer from constipation and are tired of feeling heavy and not finding anything to solve it, we encourage you to try all the flaxseed remedies to relieve constipation that we recommend. Thus, also, you can choose the one that you like the most, works for you or goes better with the lifestyle you lead.

Have you ever tried any of these remedies to relieve constipation? What usually works for you? If there is any other home remedy that works for you, we encourage you to share it with us.

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