3 Light Desserts To Avoid Feeling Guilty

Generally, sweet lovers have a hard time eating dessert (and repeating it) without guilt. Since they are so tasty, anyone could easily fall for the excess. Therefore, to avoid reaching that point, we recommend some of the best light dessert recipes to enjoy with peace of mind.

Although they are light, that does not mean that they are bland, nor that they will be unsatisfactory for the palate. On the contrary, what these recipes do is take the value of certain nutrients, such as fructose, and enhance them in combination with other ingredients to get a delicious dessert. And all this without the need to add sweeteners!

Three delicious light desserts

Light desserts: yogurt cake.

1. Yogurt cake

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • Water
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 2 cups of oatmeal (240 g)
  • 1 ¼ cup of Greek yogurt (250 g)
  • ¼ cup of hazelnuts or dried fruits (50 g)
  • 10 grams of unflavored gelatin in sheets
  • Fruit jam (preferably natural)
  • Optional: honey


  1. We preheat the oven to 180 ºC. 
  2. Then, we put the oat flakes, the nuts and, if we wish, a teaspoon of honey in the blender.
  3. Besides, we crack the eggs and separate the yolks, since we are only going to use the whites.
  4. Pour the oatmeal dough into a bowl and add the egg whites as well. Next, we must begin to knead it all; in this way it will be compacted.
  5. When we have the dough ready, we proceed to place it in a silicone mold to assemble the base of the cake.
  6. We bake for 15 or 20 minutes. Once this time has passed, we must see if the base has already become a crunchy cookie and, if not, we leave it in the oven for a few more minutes.
  7. In a container with water, we place the gelatin sheets for a few minutes until they grow and soften enough.
  8. Next, we carefully drain the cold water and pour a little boiling water over the gelatin. We will stir with a spoon until it is completely dissolved. Be careful, it is not necessary to pour a liter of water, with which it covers the sheets is enough. The purpose of preparing the gelatin is to help the yogurt to set when assembling the cake.
  9. We mix the gelatin with the yogurt and a teaspoon of honey (if we wish) and then add it to the base of the cake, once it is made.
  10. We take the cake to the refrigerator for about 2-4 hours so that it compacts enough.
  11. Before serving, we add the fruit jam of our preference or syrup. However, to maintain the line of light desserts , it is best to opt for natural fruit jam or seeds.

2. Banana and apple compote

Light desserts: banana and apple compote.

Ingredients (for 1 or 2 people)

  • Cinnamon powder
  • 4 red apples
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • Vanilla essence droplets
  • Optional: honey.


  1. We peel the bananas and cut them into slices. Next, we peel the apples, remove the core and cut the pulp into julienne strips.
  2. We put a pot with water to boil. Before the water reaches its boiling point, we add the pieces of fruit. 
  3. Then, once the fruit has become a kind of pulp, more or less lumpy, we proceed to add vanilla essence, cinnamon and honey to taste.
  4. Next, we stir everything with slow and enveloping movements a couple of times and let the compote cook for a few more minutes with the pot covered.
  5. When we have the compote ready we can serve it hot or, take it to refrigerate and then serve it cold.

3. Chia and fruit pudding

Light desserts: chia pudding and fruits.

Ingredients (for 1 person)

  • a pinch of salt
  • ¾ cup of chia seeds (80 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (2.5 g)
  • 1 cup of natural almond milk (250 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon of pure vanilla extract (2.5 ml)
  • To accompany: granola, assorted seeds and nuts, pieces of fresh fruit, dark chocolate (no sugar).


  1. We put the milk and all the other ingredients in a container and stir with the help of a spoon to integrate them well for 2 minutes so that the mixture thickens. We cover the container and let it rest at room temperature.
  2. For half an hour, you have to open the container, stir several times and then cover. In total, we must perform this procedure 3 times.
  3. After half an hour, we take the container to the refrigerator to thicken it even more (it is best to leave it all overnight).
  4. Finally, when serving, we add the complement that we like the most: pieces of fresh fruits, seeds, granola, etc.

The light desserts can be enjoyed during the week or, on special occasions, as we prefer. The important thing is to maintain a balance in the ingredients and avoid, as much as possible, unhealthy sweeteners and supplements. If we add clouds or marshmallows to one of our light desserts , it will have little light at the end.

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