11 Ways To Use Banana Peels. Stop Wasting Them!

The banana is one of the most consumed fruits. The reason is not only its taste, but also its  high nutritional value. Indeed, its significant contribution of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances make it one of the best foods for the diet.

However, what many fail to imagine is that that part that we usually waste, the peel, concentrates important properties that also bring us benefits. In fact, it contains more fiber than the pulp, and provides some important amino acids for the body.

Thus, although its flavor is not as pleasant as that of its fruit, it is worth knowing its benefits.

Do not miss it!

1. Headache

woman with headaches

The high content of potassium that concentrates the banana skin is a good remedy against common headaches. On the one hand, it can be ingested by infusion. On the other, it can be placed on the forehead and the back of the neck to achieve a relaxing effect.

2. Constipation

One of the keys to solving constipation and other digestive problems is to increase your fiber intake.

Since this ingredient contains more fiber than its pulp, ingesting it in the form of tea or added to smoothies can help improve the condition.

3. Acne

banana and acne

The compounds contained in the white part of the banana peel are a good ally against acne pimples and blackheads. Thus, rubbing it twice a day, you will help the skin to deflate.

4. Whiter teeth

Although it does not work as a professional teeth whitening, rubbing the banana peel on the teeth helps to reduce the yellowish appearance.

In addition, its daily use removes some impurities that adhere to tooth enamel. After several weeks, the pieces may be more shiny.

5. Insect bites


Simply rubbing a small piece of banana peel on the insect bite  can reduce inflammation and itching.

In fact, it is one of the oldest remedies against mosquito and mosquito bites.

6. Contusions

The regenerative properties of banana peel are helpful in speeding up recovery from wounds and bruises.

In addition, the consumption of its tea contributes to improving blood circulation. It also  has a topical calming action.

7. Polishing the furniture

The lower part of this ingredient is used to polish leather and wood furniture, kitchen utensils and other accessories that lose their shine due to dust.

Simply rub them in for about three minutes and immediately polish with a clean cloth.

8. Improve mood

Improves mood

The peel of bananas concentrates a high amount of the essential amino acid tryptophan, related to an increase in the production of serotonin.

Adequate levels of this neurotransmitter allow us to feel good humor, enthusiasm and a sense of well-being.

Therefore, a cup of banana peel infusion is a good solution against stress and depressive states.

9. Shiny shoes

Banana peel is useful for polishing dull or battered-looking shoes. In this case, its effect is similar to that of furniture, as it is applied to the element and rubbed with a clean cloth.

10. Cardiovascular health

blood pressure

The phosphorus and potassium contained in banana skin are a great ally against high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol.

These essential minerals help protect arterial health, improve circulation, and prevent oxidation of “bad cholesterol” in the veins.

Although they do not replace any medication, their regular consumption acts as a complement to keep them at the appropriate levels.

To consider!

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to use fresh banana peel, since when refrigerated it loses an important part of its properties.

However, if you want to keep for one or two days, it is best to put them in a cool place, away from sources of heat and sunlight.

On the other hand, before consuming it, it should be washed very well. In this way, we will eliminate  the dirt it acquires in the environment and distribution sites.

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