10 Tips To Avoid Irritation After Genital Waxing

Choosing an appropriate waxing method and applying heat packs are simple steps that can help reduce irritation from genital waxing. Discover other tips.

There are simple measures that can help prevent irritation after genital waxing. Although some methods are less aggressive than others, in general there are usually unwanted reactions due to the sensitivity that characterizes this area of ​​the body.

Although many are downplaying hair removal, most still prefer to remove it for convenience and aesthetics. However, regardless of the product or technique used, allergies and small cuts occur that are quite annoying.

Fortunately, considering certain care before and after carrying it out, these symptoms can be minimized so that they are not a problem. Here we want to share in detail 10 good tips for you to keep in mind the next time you wax. Take aim!

Tips that help you avoid irritation after genital waxing

To avoid irritations after genital waxing, some basic tips that protect the skin can be put into practice. Since reactions vary according to the chosen method and level of sensitivity, it is better to take some precautions to reduce them.

1. Avoid total hair removal

Hair removal.

Although total hair removal of the intimate area provides safety and comfort, it is not recommended from a health point of view. Pubic hair is a protective barrier against agents that produce sexually transmitted diseases, yeast infections, and other conditions.

On the other hand, completely removing hair increases the risk of folliculitis. The latter is characterized by inflammation and infection of the hair follicles, causing small bumps and reddened areas.

2. Choose an appropriate hair removal method

The use of razors is one of the main causes of allergic reactions after waxing. Therefore, in order not to suffer these discomforts, it is advisable to choose an alternative method to remove the hair. Hair removal with depilatory cream is quick and painless. However, if you want it to last longer, opt for waxing or laser hair removal.

3. Use a scrub

Citrus scrub with brown sugar and lemon.

Applying exfoliating products before using any hair removal technique can significantly reduce irritation. This simple treatment prepares the skin for hair removal and helps it stay soft and moisturized.

4. Apply a good hair removal technique

Maintaining good hair removal technique is not shaving against the direction of hair growth. It also means starting with the bikini area first before moving on to other less sensitive areas such as the thighs or lower legs.

5. Use moisturizing gel or cream

How to shave naturally.

For no reason should a dry shave be carried out. If the objective is to avoid irritation after genital waxing, it is essential to acquire a moisturizing gel or cream for the intimate area. These products are intended to “soften” and protect the skin so that allergy symptoms are not generated when removing the hairs.

6. Apply heat

To facilitate the genital hair removal process, you can take hot showers or apply compresses for about 3 or 5 minutes. The heat dilates the pores and allows the hairs to come out without so much difficulty. In addition, it prevents damage to sensitive skin and reduces the sensation of pain.

7. Cut the hairs with scissors

To prevent damage to the skin when applying a hair removal method, it is convenient to cut long hairs with scissors. With this measure, the pain is reduced when removing the hair and, incidentally, less irritation and redness are generated after waxing.

8. Use aloe vera gel

Aloe vera and vitamin E treatment.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, aloe vera is an excellent ally to avoid irritation after genital waxing. Its direct application on the sensitive area controls itching and redness. On the other hand, it helps heal small cuts and prevent possible infections.

9. Apply disinfectant lotion

To prevent the appearance of rashes and ingrown hairs, disinfectant lotions can be used after shaving. These products contain compounds that kill germs on the skin’s surface while controlling inflammation.

10. Do not wax before menstruation

The skin is much more sensitive in the days before menstruation. Therefore, to avoid inflammation and redness after waxing, it is best to do it at least a week in advance.

In conclusion, with these basic care you can reduce the irritation and pain that occurs due to intimate hair removal. Do not forget that it is a sensitive area, susceptible to infection. So if you notice prolonged irritation or any irregularity, see your doctor.

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