10 Foods That Help Fight A Sore Throat

To relieve a sore throat, it is often recommended to suck on candy, drink plenty of fluids and gargle with water and salt. It is very important to see a specialist so that he can diagnose and indicate the most appropriate treatment for the cause.

There are several foods that help fight a sore throat. Not only for its smooth texture, but for its nutritional value. Are you interested in knowing more about it? In that case, do not miss what we are going to tell you next, but first, let’s review a little about a sore throat.

A sore throat can appear as a symptom of a viral infection, such as one that causes colds, flu, or mononucleosis. It can also be caused by bacterial infections, such as strep throat. Likewise, it may have occurred as a result of smoking, breathing through the mouth at night while sleeping, breathing polluted air, or different types of allergies.

You have to understand that the throat, according to the National Cancer Institute, is a hollow tube inside the neck that begins behind the nose and ends at the top of the windpipe and esophagus (tube that goes to the stomach). The throat is about five inches long, depending on the size of the body. Also called pharynx.

What Happens When Your Throat Hurts?

When problems that affect the throat develop, treatment will be focused on the cause that originated it. To relieve pain, sucking on candy, drinking plenty of fluids, and gargling are often recommended. It is very important to see a specialist so that he can properly diagnose the disease and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

The same National Cancer Institute, through this study, explains the following: Most sore throats are caused by viral infections such as the flu or the common cold. These throat problems are generally mild and go away on their own.

Likewise, he goes on to explain that to relieve a sore throat, it must be kept moist. Have you noticed that your sore throat seems to be worse in the morning? This is because the throat dries up overnight, ” says Dr. Valerie Riddle, an infectious disease expert at NIH.

The doctor continues: “Lozenges or hard candy, or anything that stimulates the production of saliva, will serve to keep the throat moist. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids ”.

Along the same lines, this study shows that, in the case of young children who could choke on hard candy or pills, try popsicles and cold liquids. A sore throat can also be relieved with over-the-counter throat sprays and pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin, but don’t give aspirin to young children.

Regardless, there are a number of foods that help fight a sore throat.

What are the foods that help fight a sore throat?

fruit for breakfast

First, bananas highlighted in combating this problem because it has nutrients like vitamins B6, potassium and, of course, vitamin C. They are also recommended to consume because the banana is not acidic, so that it does not cause discomfort when it is eaten, because it is very easy to swallow.

Likewise, the boiled carrot can be very useful. This vegetable contains nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, and potassium. It is a food that strengthens the immune system and helps fight a sore throat.

It is believed that eating raw carrot is not recommended when there is a sore throat, as the texture may seem too rough. Therefore, it would be advisable to eat it cooked.

Finally, do not forget that both garlic and onion contain sulfur compounds. These have an expectorant and mucolytic action, that is, they facilitate the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.

In this way, onion and garlic are considered as two natural antibiotics, capable of helping to fight viral and bacterial infections.

Other foods that help fight a sore throat

Oatmeal is a very soft food. That is why it is one of the most recommended foods that help fight a sore throat. It contains soluble fiber and several nutrients that, together, help maintain the health of the body. As if that were not enough, it can be ground and included in various preparations and also has a very good flavor.

Whole wheat pasta is another food that might be nice to have if you have a sore throat. When cooked, it has a smooth texture that would be easy to tolerate. In addition, this food would provide the body with fiber and nutrients such as iron, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E.

Vegetable creams and soups cannot be missing from the list of foods and foods that help fight a sore throat. Its smooth texture, liquidity and ease of swallowing are ideal in these cases. They can be prepared with various ingredients, according to preferences.

A good chicken soup to recharge your batteries can include carrots, onions, celery, turnips, potatoes, and sweet garlic.

Infusions and other natural remedies

According to popular beliefs, the mixture of lemon and honey is one of the most useful remedies for relieving a sore throat and cough.

To prepare a homemade syrup, just add two tablespoons of lemon juice to one tablespoon of honey. You could also dilute this same mixture in a glass of warm water to obtain a hydrating and soothing drink. Alternatively, you could prepare a ginger tea (with or without honey).

Ginger tea has some anti-inflammatory effect that can help relieve sore and sore throats. Also, honey is an antibiotic food that can fight infection while soothing the throat.

Another drink that is often recommended popularly is the infusion of sage. This plant has flavonoids and phenolic acids that could help you get relief.

A sore throat is an annoying symptom that should have medical treatment, depending on its cause. Additionally, the consumption of natural remedies could be considered, as long as the doctor authorizes it.

The most important thing is to follow the prescribed treatment and maintain good lifestyle habits. 

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