10 Easy Ways To Burn Fat In Your Day To Day

Is it impossible to burn fat? Each person has a different metabolism, so not everyone finds the same ease when it comes to losing weight. However, with perseverance and a series of healthy habits it is possible to achieve it.

Remember that, to lose weight, nothing better than following a healthy, varied diet with quality food. Also, don’t forget that it’s important to stay active and exercise regularly. It is recommended to follow the instructions of a professional, always taking into account the needs of each individual.

How can we burn fat on a day-to-day basis?

1. Infusion of cayenne pepper, lemon and green tea

green-tea-with-red-pepper, burning fat is not that difficult


Breakfast is the key piece of the day. There are people who, to lose weight, prefer not to have dinner and not have breakfast. That means they either just eat a big meal throughout the day, or they spend their time snacking between meals.

This study carried out by the University of Melbourne suggests that skipping breakfast may not be a good strategy for weight loss, it could even have the opposite effect.

Therefore, eat a good and balanced breakfast. If we eat a good breakfast we get more energy, avoid headaches and put our metabolism to work. Do not forget!

3. The benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D

According to various studies, women with problems burning fat and losing weight improve their situation when they increase their dose of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is found in salmon, yogurt, cereals, or tuna in oil. They also sell vitamin supplements that can help us.

4. The 20-20 rule

walk-lose weight4

The 20-20 rule is something of a very widespread password for those looking to burn fat on a daily basis. It is something simple that at the same time requires, yes, some willpower. In the morning, the indicated thing would be to do 20 sit-ups.

Throughout the day, it is also appropriate to run or  walk 20 minutes, and of course, climb 20 steps. Do we put it into practice?

5. Drink enough water during the day

Although the recommendation to drink two liters of water per day is widespread, there is no research or general consensus regarding the water needs of human beings, since each individual is different.

However, although water is the source of life (we are made up of 2/3 of water), it does not lose weight as such. What it does do is hydrate the food bolus and in this way, increase the feeling of fullness, which can prevent us from snacking between meals.

6. More fiber, please


Fiber could support the burning of fat, regulate the body and take care of digestion, while avoiding constipation. According to research, dietary fiber intake could promote weight loss in overweight or obese adults who eat a calorie-restricted diet.

You can start the day with a bowl of oatmeal; dinners with broccoli, asparagus or cauliflower are also great. The bread you eat that has better whole grains, for example, rye.

7. Snack or snack


Another tip as classic as it is effective. Snacks, also known as snacks, can help us get to the next meal less hungry. Therefore, it helps to avoid binge eating and to control excesses.

The general recommendation is two snacks a day, one between breakfast and the main meal; and another between the main meal and dinner.

An example of a healthy snack is a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, an infusion or a coffee. Obviously, the amount of food chosen will depend on the caloric expenditure of the person, since the energy consumption of a 10-year-old child is not the same as that of a 35-year-old runner.

8. Escape from your routine

Ride a bike

It sounds like a self-help phrase, we know it, but behind these words there is basically a change of mentality to achieve the goal of burning fat. How?

Very easy: choose stairs before elevator, take the longest way to return home, do not stay so many hours on the sofa, better go for a walk with your friends before sitting in a cafeteria. Small changes that do a lot for you.

9. Take care of your sleep hygiene

When we talk about sleep hygiene we refer to the need to rest properly. It may surprise you, but proper sleep helps us burn fat.

There is research to suggest that lack of sleep may compromise the efficacy of typical dietary interventions for weight loss and metabolic risk reduction. Sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day, do not go to bed late and always two hours after having dinner.

10. Laugh some more!


Let’s end this article with a smile, and there is a relationship between laughter and weight loss. Some research assures that laughter can be an effective tool to control negative emotions that trigger higher food intake as a means of improving mood.

Recommendations to burn fat

We hope that these simple tips will be useful to you when it comes to monitoring your diet and your lifestyle. It is very important to note that a good balance is achieved through diet and physical exercise.

Either way, it is essential to visit the doctor or nutritionist. These guidelines support a diet established by a specialist.

Do we put them into practice from today?

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