10 Dirty Objects You Come In Contact With Every Day

Every day we are exposed to dirty objects with thousands of pathogenic bacteria that travel through the air. A healthy immune system allows the defense against these microorganisms, preserving the well-being of the body.

There are several everyday objects that contain large amounts of bacteria. This is because many people come into contact with such objects, or because they are in conditions of humidity, temperature or use that favor the appearance of various microorganisms.

To learn a little more about it, we present a list of these everyday objects that have a high presence of bacteria and are a source of possible infections for man.

10 dirty objects you come in contact with on a daily basis

1. The money

Money is the first of the dirty objects on this list. This is because it is an element that comes into contact with multiple people, who can have bacteria on their hands.  It is an object that passes from hand to hand every day and is never cleaned; This increases the presence of accumulated dirt on banknotes and coins.

It is inevitable to have contact with this object, since its use is essential. However, it is recommended that you wash your hands after use, especially before consuming food.


Bacteria dirty sites

2. The knobs

Doorknobs, door knobs, or knobs have a high presence of bacteria. It is an object that can be found anywhere, such as the home, school, office and public places. Many people have frequent contact with these objects and leave the traces of dirt and / or bacteria present on their hands on them.

3. Supermarket objects

When you go to the supermarket and grab a cart or basket to put your groceries there, you also come in contact with a lot of bacteria. Although they are very useful tools when shopping, they are also other of those dirty objects of daily use.

The reason is the same as in previous cases: many people touch them with their hands and that facilitates the accumulation of bacteria. These bacteria could cause a variety of infections and illnesses.

4. ATM

Thanks to financial technology, now you don’t have to wait in long lines at a bank to withdraw money. Currently, this procedure is done through the ATM, a necessary and very functional machine. But have you ever wondered: How many people come into contact with these machines on a daily basis? Sure, the figure is very high.

Due to this massive use, the keyboards of these ATMs are usually very dirty, even if it does not seem so. Different types of bacteria accumulate there, which could cause health problems.

5. The cell phone / mobile

The cell phone has become a key piece in most people’s lives. There are very few who do not have this technological device. Some people make frequent use of cell phones arranged in booths and street vendors. Others simply never clean their own phone.

The cell phone is an object that contains millions of bacteria spread not only by contact with the hands but also by the particles and germs that come out of the mouth when speaking. It is a device that could cause from skin infections to internal diseases, in extreme cases.



6. Switches

Light switches are everywhere and are very rarely thoroughly cleaned. For obvious reasons, many people touch them and their hands are not always clean when they do so. For this reason, these objects can have bacteria accumulated for years and are carriers of germs that threaten health.

7. Remote control

The remote control is another of those objects that are passed from hand to hand and that tend to accumulate hidden dirt, becoming multipliers of bacteria. It is advisable to clean this object frequently.

8. The elevators

The elevators, being for public use, receive the contact and manipulation of hundreds of users daily. The usual thing is that millions of bacteria and dirt are present on your keyboard, which can eventually affect health, mainly generating digestive diseases and infections.

9. Keyboard and mouse


Items for work use such as your computer keyboard and mouse often have a large amount of bacteria and germs. It is not easy to keep these items clean and disinfected, so care must be taken to wash your hands after using them.

10. The bed

Lastly, the bed is not an object that you would think of when it comes to dirt and bacteria. However, the bed has the presence of mites. These are small insects that feed on the dead skin that we discard every night.

Mites are not directly harmful to health; what makes them dangerous for human well-being is their waste, since these can cause asthma and various respiratory infections or allergies. The way to get rid of them is to maintain constant ventilation throughout the house.

What can we do?

There are many dirty objects to which we expose ourselves daily, but they only constitute a serious problem in cases of extreme uncleanness or great vulnerability in the body.

Anyway, the most recommended measure to prevent health problems is to wash it hands frequently. Also clean those dirty objects that many people have contact with in our home. All of this helps ensure a healthy life.

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